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John has been CIO/CTO at Seattle Public Schools, Oakland Unified School District, and Fremont Unified School District. . Previously, Mr. Krull was Vice President of Technology at the Charter Management Organization (CMO) Envision Schools that runs four high schools in the Bay Area. He prides himself that he has a strong technical background along with a deep understanding of the field of Education. He earned both his Bachelors and Masters degrees from the University of Washington in Seattle. His earlier professional background includes: Autonomy, Sr. Director Application Services, IT, and Training; Microsoft Corporation, Systems Engineer Manager; Shoreline Schools, Teacher, Technology Coordinator; Seattle Pacific University, Adjunct Instructor.

Complex Texts and Argumentative Writing for Education Leaders

Part of the Common Core and a focus for K-12 educators is advanced reading and writing. Teachers work on strategies to help students comprehend, analyze, and evaluate complex texts. Similarly, students are expected to deliver high-level expository writing that is thorough, well-structured, and persuasive. Reading strategies might include highlighting important passages or pair reading while alternating …

Online Testing – The Positive!

There was a lot of negative press and, dare I say, political upheaval about the Common Core and its online testing component during the testing window in May. Now in its aftermath, I think online testing was the story that never happened – despite what some press wanted. The spotlight was on the tests developed by …

What About an Hour of Design?

Last week, schools across the United States were completing an Hour of Code. Coding has taken the education landscape by storm, with the President himself hosting 100 of the nation’s top computer science teachers, including two from Oakland Unified School District., a site that perhaps is the epicenter of the movement, came to a …

What is the best device for K-12?

Some people are in search of the right technology, the right device, the right answer. These folks may think that it will only take some research, and the smart ones will pick the correct solution. This may date back to the early PC vs. Mac duality that began in the mid-80s. “Business” users felt like they …

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