Category «Organizations»

What About an Hour of Design?

Last week, schools across the United States were completing an Hour of Code. Coding has taken the education landscape by storm, with the President himself hosting 100 of the nation’s top computer science teachers, including two from Oakland Unified School District., a site that perhaps is the epicenter of the movement, came to a …

Schools and Districts Need to Avoid Email Hell

I worked a good part of the weekend going through my nearly 500 emails that I was behind reading. By midnight Sunday, my inbox was empty. “Whoo Hoo,” I thought, I’m caught up and ready for a busy week with tech plans to write and issues to solve…. After a single day’s worth of meetings, …

The Center for College and Career Success launches

The Center for College and Career Success launches to share our work with 21st Century Skills & Deeper Learning. I’m excited about how e will scale our tools, processes, and best practices for ensuring college success at a large scale. See

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