Category «Web Tools»

Project Management Platforms

I’ve used all these platforms – @asana @Smartsheet @trello @wrike – for project management at one time or another. For simple kanban style project or task management, I like Trello. For projects involving a more traditional and long term planning, Smartsheet is easy to use. I like the publishing feature to report out status. For …

Online Testing – The Positive!

There was a lot of negative press and, dare I say, political upheaval about the Common Core and its online testing component during the testing window in May. Now in its aftermath, I think online testing was the story that never happened – despite what some press wanted. The spotlight was on the tests developed by …

High Hopes for 3 Technology Products

I recently got in-depth introductions to products that are not new but are not mature either. Each has an identity problem and is looking for a voice that can prove its value to an audience that does not know it needs it. In this American Land from Ellis Island to the Golden Gate, Education leaders …

Schools and Districts Need to Avoid Email Hell

I worked a good part of the weekend going through my nearly 500 emails that I was behind reading. By midnight Sunday, my inbox was empty. “Whoo Hoo,” I thought, I’m caught up and ready for a busy week with tech plans to write and issues to solve…. After a single day’s worth of meetings, …

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