DevOps is the concept of Development teams and Operations working together to provide continuous deployment. In an agile development process, code is moved to operations in short sprints often through automated process. DevSecOps adds the Security team throughout the process where older practices often had security at the beginning and end of the development process. Building security in to all phases can help avoid risks of vulnerabilities being introduced.
Today IT teams should consider this process whether developing software, integrating systems, or customizing existing systems. Slava Vaniukov of shares details about advantages of this approach.

DevSecOps is a concept that will become more important in the field of software development in 2020. The increased use of cloud-based architecture to provide mission-critical information technology services to businesses requires new and more robust methodology. Organizations use DevSecOps to provide better software products for internal users and customers. Let’s take a closer look at this development paradigm with an investigation of its current status and where it promises to go in the nea…
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