People spend a lot of money on a Tesla. There’s one that can get to 60 Mph in 2 seconds. Then there’s the Prius, once valued for its mileage it’s now the bane of everyone’s Uber ride.

But they are both equal when they are stuck in traffic on the onramp to the 405!. The same is true of traffic to your cloud provider. You may have made the smart decision to move your workload to the cloud with its cost advantages including:
- trading up front capital costs for variable costs
- economies of scale
- not needing to guess capacity and purchasing too much up front
- the speed and agility, or
- to get out of the data center business
But if you can’t get to that cloud as fast as you’d like, you may have made the wrong decision – not in going to the cloud, but in making sure you have the bandwidth from your site to the cloud.
Michiel Xie, President and CTO of Fortinet, points out in a piece in Forbes points out:
When a company’s leadership invests heavily in digital infrastructure, they are not looking for theoretical or possible gains. They are looking for clear return on investment (ROI), increased efficiencies and greater productivity. It comes as quite an unpleasant surprise when, just like the roadster stuck in traffic, the incredible technology they have invested in is not able to perform to its specs.
Read more on this at Forbes.